15 Sept 2009 21.17pm
I roughly fail to remember about her, possibly 5 years ago, our CICI passed away due to a serious hemorrhage (I won't tell which part), she was… really weak (I am trying to memorize that time), truly sick and totally desperate, cheerless, and ultimately, we had no option but let her go for her own good.
We were up against an extremely difficult time after, day by day, remembering so many good things happened among us. It seems really difficult, but at last, we realize that life keeps moving, and time won’t stop and we have to move on.
“Cici! You’re such a spoiled!” We can never feel that again; we can never indulge her anymore. We can never feel her breath, or her silence scream. Her cute and funny sleeping position will always make us fall down laughing.
And then.. as time goes by, finally we did not cry any longer, not even cry and laugh at the same time anymore, but only smile, a pure smile from inside. Those precious memories will stay eternally, and we are really sure that she is already in a perfect HAND by now.
And the smile…. are still here indeed.
15 Sept 2009 18.00pm (few hours before)
I decided to go home directly. Actually I have plans to do something after office hour before but finally I went home, sometimes I don’t really get the picture about this, the plans sound great but I broke it just to go home, I had no idea what kind of passion that made me to, not even a surprise will make me this way. I just… didn’t understand, by the time.
And I saw them at home, CICI Jr and CACA, both are 2years old, around 500gr each I guess. White with a bit black stripe, black eyes, cute face, beautiful and …. We are in love with them indeed. CACA is too active, naughty and a bit difficult to be controlled, while CICI Jr likes to be at “home”, a small and tiny thicker paper box room placed near the bike garage, we filled already with Chinese water spinach. Barely this won’t be their favorite vegetable, sure we’ll offer something else as a disparity, but apart from that, we are really sure that they would be happy at home, at our full of love home and compassion.
“Welcome CICI.. and welcome CACA, to our family, to house of love”. “Do you like the way we smile at you?”, staring at them, a bit laugh, and in second we already stroke them and feel their smooth skin.
I bow down slowly “One day you guys have to know the story about our previous CICI, she was a very special part of our family, she’s legend, full of inspirations, spirit, and inspired us to live without any burden.”
I can see they are just staring back at me, I can see those beautiful and ingenuous eyes of them, so pure and peaceful.
Then more expression… “This house.. is full of love and compassion, full of laugh and smiles, full of togetherness and unity, music and dancing, as long as you feel that way, then this house is your house either.”
“Fill up your days ahead with a high spirit, be great children, play and be active, grow and eat a lot, be cute and attractive. Your naughtiness will be always tolerable, so no need to worry about that, kids”
“Trust us.. the source of living secret, we could learn also from you both. You can never understand, so do not listen by your both ears, but have your heart ready always to respond. That is the only way we can communicate. No need to say anything, because your blameless eyes will”, I explained.
And I stand slowly after, standing among others, all of us kept seeing the 2 beautiful creatures inside the ordinary “house”, we smiled.. we laughed. “Now you guys take a sleep ok.. it’s about time”, I turn off the light and then close the door.
We move to the main room, and all of sudden, something whispers on our ears, so soft and wind blows a bit, silence comes and those whispers fade away not so long after. We see each other and smile (again, so many smiles), and understand that these gift, CICI Jr and CACA, came from her above, she might wished long time ago, and her pure love, made her wish came true.
FOR CICI.. music of our hearts.
FOR CICI Jr and CACA, … your stories are just begun.
16 Sept 2009
-Andy Krisbianto-
(Published on FB; Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 3:41pm)
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